Titel: Pearl Harbor Autor: Lolo.Renzo E-Mail: lolo.renzo@orange.fr Url: http://manib.ma.funpic.de Umgebung: Taschenrechner Hersteller: Casio Typ: FX-850P/FX-880P Beschreibung: The game Pearl Harbor from Lolo.Renzo.
Pearl Harbor (Eingesendet von Lolo.Renzo)
I finally found my second old tape and succeeded in transfering all my old programs with your usb interface.
Besides maths programs, not so fun I think for another one than me, I had programmed several games. I join you the one I preferred… and I never played during twenty three years…
Its name is „Pearl Harbor“, but it is a personnal interpretation of what really occurs there in late 1941 and the technologies involved…
Some indications :
EXE to start
4 : go left on your deck
6 : go right on your deck
4 : lower your fire distance, between 1 (short) and 3 (long)
8 : upper it
5 : fire
To be sure a pushed button is considered, you have to let it about half a second down
I let you discover the targets… and tell me your best score within one week !
Hope you will have fun with it !
Hier ist der Quellcode zu Pearl Harbor:
Wenn ihr auch einen tollen Quelltext zum Casio habt, dann nicht’s wie her damit! Schickt mir einfach ein E-Mail mit dem Quelltext und eine kurze Beschreibung dazu. Ich werde ihn dann hier auf meiner Casio Seite präsentieren.
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